Reading Time: 1 minutes

UNICEF has said that at least 28 persons killed by cholera in North-eastern Nigeria and 837 more are suspected to be infected. Concern was expressed concerning the spread of cholera, pointing out that 1.4 million displaced people were in grave danger, with 350,000 of them children under the age of five.
The UNICEF Communications Chief in Nigeria, Doune Porter, stated that cholera broke out due to the Boko Haram crisis in the country. This problem has left over 3.6 million people without proper access to basic water services and has displaced at least 1.7 million inhabitants.
The outbreak was recognised in the Muna Garage Camp for displaced persons first and has spread to six other places. The death rate was estimated at 28 individuals, and at least 145 of the infected 837 are children under age five.
Cholera is one of the major threats to children. Children are less resilient to it when they are ill or malnourished.
UNICEF acknowledged that from the time the outbreak was confirmed, adequately organised water, sanitation, hygiene and health rapid response had been made available, as well as a treatment centre set up at the Muna Garage Camp.

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